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Student Registration 2024-25

Students will pick up ID cards, course schedules, supply packs and book bundles, textbooks, sit for school photos, and provide a valid Driver's License for parking spaces (juniors and seniors only).



(Based on Student Last Name)


SENIOR REGISTRATION: Thursday, 8/8, 9am – 3pm

JUNIOR REGISTRATION: Friday, 8/9, 9am – 3pm

SOPHOMORE REGISTRATION: Monday, 8/12, 9am – 3pm


A – B  9:00am - 9:30am

C – E  9:30am - 10:00am

F – H  10:10am - 10:40am

I – L   10:40am - 11:20am

(Lunch Break from 11:30-12:30; students will be unable to register during this time)

M – N 12:40pm - 1:10pm

O – R  1:10pm – 1:50pm

S – T   2:00pm – 2:30pm

U – Z   2:30pm – 3:00pm


MAKE-UP REGISTRATION: Tuesday, 8/13, Grades 10-12, 12:30pm - 3:00pm


  • 10th – 12th grade students must appear in person following the schedule above. Parents, siblings, and/or friends are not allowed to stand in for students who cannot appear during their scheduled time.


  • Students who cannot come during their scheduled day should come during the makeup session. Students who cannot come during their scheduled day or the makeup session should report to the HPHS Cafeteria on the first day of school.


  • Registration will take place in the cafeteria and all students should enter through the new student entrance on Westchester Dr.


  • For yearbook/ID pictures, boys should wear a suit/sport coat - any color - and tie (typically with khaki shorts and tennis shoes). Girls will want to look their best - no halter tops or spaghetti straps.

Fish Camp





FISH campers will attend a 45-minute orientation at an assigned time between 8 am -12 pm on Tuesday, August 13th, the day before school starts! 


During FISH Camp, Freshmen will get to preview Highland Park High School being led by a FISH Camp Counselor, a 10th-12th grade student volunteer. The FISH Camp Counselors will guide the students through the orientation process, answer questions, and serve as a mentor for freshmen throughout the school year. 


FISH Camp activities will include:  

• 9th Grade schedule pick up

• ID and Yearbook Photograph - For yearbook/ID photos, all outfits must comply with the dress code. We recommend that students dress up. The boys should wear a suit/sport coat - any color - and tie (typically with khaki shorts and tennis shoes). The girls should wear a blouse or top that complies with the school dress code (no halter tops or spaghetti straps), or a dress that meets the same criteria.

• Tour of Highland Park High School which includes many important locations and the student’s classrooms according to their 9th grade schedule


Students will need to have paid their fee for an ID during Back to School Online Registration or bring the $20.00 fee to FISH CAMP. 


Students will attend during their assigned time based on the first letter of their last name:


A,B - 8:30

C,D - 8:50am

E,F,G - 9:10am

H,I,J - 9:30am

K,L - 9:50am

M,N,O - 10:10am

P,Q,R - 10:30am

S - 10:50am

T,U,V - 11:10am

W,X,Y,Z - 11:30am


If a student is unable to attend FISH Camp, their schedule can be picked up in the cafeteria at 7:45 am on the first day of school, August 15th.


If you have any questions, please contact Christen Armer at

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The HPHS PTA is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

© 2023 Highland Park High School PTA 

4220 Emerson Ave, Dallas, TX 75205

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