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Volunteer in Our Cafeteria
"The Plaid Food Court"

Why should I volunteer?

Did you know that cafeteria volunteers save the district $400,000 per year?!  This allows our district to use its money for other essentials, like more competitive teacher salaries!​  Volunteering is also a great opportunity to connect and build relationships with parents, community members, and staff while modeling the service mindset we aim to teach our students... "Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve."  You may even get to see your kids at school!


What do volunteers do?

As a volunteer, YOU get to be the "lunch lady" (or man)!  Our volunteers serve food with a friendly smile or ring up our kids at the cash register. 


When are shifts?

Shifts are from 10:45-1:30.  Most people sign up for a monthly shift (for example, the second Tuesday of every month), but if you can't commit to that, you can also sign up for an open shift any time you are free, or tell us you'd like to be a sub and we will contact you when we need help.


How do I sign up?

See instructions below or email us with questions.

Other Questions?

What do I wear?

If you are SERVING food, closed toed shoes are required (sneakers recommended).  Bring a hat if you don't want to use one of our cute hairnets. Gloves and Aprons are provided for free!  If you are a cashier, just dress comfortably!


Where do I park?

You can park in any spot marked Visitor/Volunteer either in front of the main entrance on Emerson (these fill up fast) or in the Westchester Parking Garage.  Please never ever park in numbered spot, or in a residential zone.​


How will I know what to do?

If you're a server, our day captain or Cafeteria Manager (Joan Bayes) can show you how much to serve of each item that day.  If you're cashiering, they can also show you how to ring up items (for example, what counts as a double serving, or what's included in a "meal" bundle).   Just be sure to arrive a few minutes early and get a quick run down for the day!


What do I do when my shift is over?

Make yourself a free plate of food (the salad bar is fabulous!), and get out of there, but not before signing out with one of the security checkpoints! Please don’t exit a side door, and NEVER hold those doors open for ANYONE. Thanks for keeping our campus safe and secure!


Who do I contact for help? (click to email)



Day Captains

Sign up or Manage your shifts logo

How do I sign up for a shift?

  • Click on the SignUp link.

  • Choose Cafeteria.

  • Choose the shift you want to work and then enter your email address.

  • To receive text reminders about your shift, be sure to enter your phone number and check the box for text reminders.

  • Click Save and Done.

  • If you want to take a monthly shift, sign up only for the first occurrence of that shift.  The volunteer coordinator will add the other monthly shifts, and you will receive an email confirmation when that is completed.


To View Your Existing Shifts:

  • Click on the SignUp link.

  • Choose Cafeteria.

  • Confirm your email address if the site remembers you.  If it does not remember you, click Sign In at the top right of the page and then enter the email address you used when you signed up.  

  • Select the "Show My Shifts" checkbox.


To request a swap (trade shifts with someone):

  • Follow the instructions above to view your shifts

  • Choose "Swap Request" next to the shift you need a swap for.

  • Choose dates you could swap for. 

  • If someone accepts your swap request, you will receive an email confirmation.  If you do not receive an email, your request is still pending.  You can repeat the process to try again if needed.​​​



  • The Swap Request feature will trade your shift with someone else's, meaning if it is accepted, you will be signed up for their shift and they will be signed up for yours.  So only choose shifts you would be willing/able to swap for.  

  • DO NOT choose "Select All," as this will allow someone from ANY day to swap with you and swaps cannot be undone.  If their shift doesn't work for you, you will then have to find a swap/sub for that new shift.

  • Browse the shifts first to look for a friend who might swap with you and reach out to them separately.  Then go in and submit the swap request for that date. (The request will go to all volunteers on that date, but you can enter a note that the request is for a specific person and others can ignore it.)

  • If you cannot find a friend to swap, try sending a Swap Request to other shifts that are the same day of the week as yours (e.g. if your shift is a Tuesday, choose other Tuesday shifts).  

  • If you are not able to swap shifts or find a sub, reach out to your day captain for assistance (see contact info below). 

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The HPHS PTA is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

© 2023 Highland Park High School PTA 

4220 Emerson Ave, Dallas, TX 75205

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